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Trade News

Finland increased imports of Russian wood pellets by 50% in 2013

Finland traditionally is one of the leading countries among
Russian wood pellet importers. Russian Federation intends to reach 25%
of biofuel in the energy sector, so the need in biofuel imports will
continue to grow and first of all from Russia.

Thus, according to the Database of importers, buyers of Russian wood pellets 2013-2014(4),
prepared by the experts of Ukrainian Biofuel Portal pellets-wood.com,
in 2013 Finland imported more than 55 thousand tons of pellets from
Russia, what is almost twice more than in the previous year. It amounted
around 90% of the total import volume of the country. As of April, 2014
the imports of Russian wood pellets has already amounted around 30
thousand tons. Pellet deliveries are mainly carried out from Karelia and
Leningrad region of Russian Federation. During January-April, 2014
Russia has cooperated with around 40 companies from Finland compared to
50 in 2013.

PIN ARCTIC OY has remained the largest player among
importers of Russian wood pellets on the Finland’s biofuel market. In
2013 the imports of the company were more than 140 thousand tons. For
the period January-April, 2014 the company purchased in Russia about 70
thousand tons of pellets. Another company STORA ENSO WOOD PRODUCTS OY
LTD has already exceeded last year’s figures by 30% (from 63 thousand
tons to 80 thousand tons) as of April 2014.

Overall, in 2013 Finland’s wood pellet consumption rose by 30% and amounted to more than 220 thousand tons, thus reached
its absolute maximum. The main reason for the growth of pellet
consumption was increasing consumption by energy enterprises of the

For example, one of the largest Finland’s energy
companies Helsingin Energia conducts testing on the joint use of coal
and wood pellets as fuel at Salmisaari plant. In 2015 the share of
pellets will be 7%, then the proportion of granules could reach more
than 40%. Another one of the largest thermal power plants with the
capacity of 33 MW has already been operating on wood granules since
December 2012.  The plant belongs to the company Tampereen
Energiantuotanto Oy.

However, in 2013 the domestic wood pellet
production in Finland rose by 18 thousand tons (7%) in comparison with
2012, reached 270 thousand tons. Wherein the exports amounted to 78
thousand tons. Pellets are delivered mainly to Denmark and Sweden.  For
comparison, the total exports of wood pellets from Russia are about 1
million tons per year.

So, in the next few years Finland will
increase the imports of Russian wood pellets. Thus, in 2013 the country
doubled the imports, and for the first four months of 2014 Finland has
already purchased more than 50% of the last year’s volume.


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