Procter & Gamble biomass CHP project moving forward
A $230 million combined-heat-and-power biomass project under
construction in Albany, Georgia, is progressing, it’s most recent
milestone being approval of a deal with the Albany-Dougherty Payroll
Development Authority to exempt the project from local taxes for two
After that time, Albany Green Energy—a three-way partnership that
includes Procter & Gamble, Constellation NewEnergy Inc. and Sterling
Energy—will pay $375,000 in annual taxes, creating nearly $8 million in
tax revenue over the life of the agreement.
The 50-MW capacity project, which will generate 42 MW for sale to
Georgia power, will be constructed, owned and operated by Constellation
NewEnergy, and supply steam to the Albany Procter & Gamble Paper
Products Co., the company’s second-largest paper product plant.
The facility, which already utilizes an onsite biomass boiler for
some of its steam requirements, may also provide steam to the nearby
Marine Corps Logistics Base-Albany. The base already draws one-third of
its energy from a landfill-gas project with Dougherty County and is
currently in the process of expanding.
The project will benefit from the now-expired federal biomass
production tax credit. According to documents filed with the Georgia
Public Service Commission, AGE, working with P&G, began initial
construction activities in December 2013 and has continuously worked on
such construction efforts since.
According to the documents, Constellation has selected DCO Energy LLC
as its preferred engineering, procurement and construction contractor
to finalize construction of the facility, subject to the execution of a
binding engineering, procurement and construction contract.
The project is estimated to create 25 to 30 full-time jobs and an
average of 190 construction jobs over its construction period, peaking
at about 575.
Completion is slated for June 2017.
Read More: Biomass Boilers