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Rural households able to claim free biomass boiler

A NEW multimillion-pound initiative has been launched to provide free biomass boilers to selected households across Cornwall.

Happy Energy, based in Pool Innovation Centre, is targeting households in the county that are off the mains gas network and spend £1,500 or more on heating and hot water.

The boilers would be installed and maintained for seven years free of charge.

Happy Energy chief executive officer Adrian Wright said: “The combination of high fuel costs, relatively low incomes compared to other parts of the UK and the fact almost half the homes in the county are off the mains gas network has made homes in Cornwall extremely expensive to keep warm, particularly for those living in more rural areas.

“Domestic biomass boilers use wood pellets as fuel, cutting heating and hot water bills by around 10 to 30 per cent from the moment they are commissioned, saving up to £450 a year for a household spending £1,500 on heating and hot water, as well as being much more environmentally friendly.”

Through the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), the government makes payments over seven years for installing a biomass boiler. The RHI payments go to Happy Energy to offset the cost of the supply, installation and ongoing maintenance of the boiler; the householder receives the benefits of reduced heating and hot water bills.

Read More: Biomasss Boilers

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