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Thermal Oil Heaters Troubleshooting

I.   Fault  Diagnosis and Trouble Shooting of Circulation System in Organic Heat-carrier  Heating Boiler

1.   Steam
harmer sounds in pipe of  circulation system, the indications of
manometer in inlet/outlet of boiler  fluctuates by a wide margin, gas
exhausts from steam drain of high-position  tank and the sprays from
steam drain in high-position and low-position, how to  debug?

Cause of  Faults:

(1)    Moisture or other matters is fedin when adding new oil.
(2)    The media for heat-use equipmentis mixed in the heat-transferred oil in the system.
(3)    Heat-transferred oil is dissolved.
       Debugging  Method:
(1)    Boiling oil again and exhaustingsteam in the system;
(2)    Checking leaking point, treating withit and exhausting steam again;
(3)    Decreasing temperature andreplacing heat-transferred oil.

2.   There is extra temperaturedifference between inlet and outlet of heating boiler, how to remedy?

Cause of  Faults:

(1)    The oil-supplying volume forheat-oil cycle pump drops down.
(2)    It operates with overload.
(3)    The heat-transferred oil isdeteriorated
(4)    The pipeline and heat-use equipmenthave not adequate heat-preservation.
       Debugging  Methods:
(1)    Checking  filter;
(2)    Reducingheat-use equipment;
(3)    Replacingheat-transferred oil;
(4)    Carryingout heat-preservation again.

3.   No alarm sounds when expansiontank is under low liquid position, how to remedy?

Cause of  Faults:

(1)  The heat-transferred oil is notsupplemented after degassing in pipeline system;
(2)   Oil leaks in pipeline system.

Debugging  Methods:

(1)    Supplementingnew oil;
(2)    Debuggingoil-leaked point and supplementing oil again.

4.   The volume of heat-transferred oilis lower than the rated value (low-pressure alarm), how to remedy?

Cause of  Faults:

(1)    Cycle pump absorbs empty;
(2)    The pipeline of heat-transferredoil contains gas (steam);
(3)    The drag in pipeline increases.


Debugging  Methods:

(1)    Debuggingthe defects in oil pump and pipeline.
(2)    Boilingoil and degassing;
(3)    Cleaningfilter.

5.   The temperature ofheat-transferred oil in high-position tank is higher and exceeds the normalvalue, how to remedy?

Cause of  Faults:

(1)    The auxiliary exhaustvalve from cycle pipeline to high-position tank is not closed up
or leaksinternally, which causes the heat-transferred oil in
high-position tank toparticipate      in circulating;

(2)    The steam(gas) remained in the system is discharged from pipeline of expansion compensation;
(3)    It
isinstalled and arranged improperly. The position difference
betweenhigh-position tank and the circulating pipeline of heat-use
equipment is lessthan the specified value.

(4)    Heat-transferredoil has bad quality and much low volatile matters and the expansion pipe has thermal convection.


Debugging  Methods:

(1)    Closingup
auxiliary exhaust valve or replacing the internal leakage valve,
checkingwith hand that the pipeline should be normal temperature.

(2)    Restoringnormal temperature after exhausting steam (gas);
(3)    Rearrangingequipment;
(4)    Replacingthe brand of oil;
(5)    Theheat-preservation
is not required for expansion pipe. The installing angle ofexpansion
pipe should be rational (properly tilting with 30
o) andits height should conform to the    requirements. 

6.   When
the heat-use equipment isclose to the boiler or in lower position, it
can be used for heating and whenit is far away from boiler or is in
higher position, it cannot be used forheating, how to remedy?

Cause of  Faults:

(1)    The flow distribution ofheat-transferred oil is not rational;
(2)    Since
delivery lift of pump isinadequate, the equipment far away from boiler
or in higher position can notget the adequate heat oil.

Debugging  Method:

(1)    Rationallyadjusting
the opening of valve for heat-use equipment, properly turning down
theintake/outtake valve close to boiler and opening wide the
intake/outtake valvefar away from the boiler.

(2)    Adding booster pump or changing thepump with higher delivery lift.

II.   Fault Diagnosis and TroubleShooting of Combustion System in Organic Heat-carrier Coal-fired Heating Boiler

7.   When the hearth gives off smokeoutwards, how to debug?

Cause of  Faults:

(1)   The stack is blocked.
(2)   The air volume from blower isimproperly adjusted.

Debugging  Methods:

(1)    Dredging stack, clearing out thedeposited dust in the dust shaker and in dust slot in boiler.
(2)    Adjusting air pressure, air volumeto maintain 16~29.4Pa negative pressure (2~3mmH20) in hearth.
  When fire grates are seized, thesafety clutch in fire grate gear box
activates, the current of motor increases abnormallyand fuse is smelted,
how to remedy?

Cause of  Faults:

(1)   The fire grates are improperlyadjusted, the front shaft is not paralleled to the rear shaft and fire grates are deviated.
(3)   The fire grates are too loose, thuscausing fire grates in sprocketraised and seized with side sealing angle steel.
(4)    Firegrates are fractured
(5)   Iron nails or other hard articlesare inserted in fire grates
(6)   The bearings in front and rear mainshafts are short of oil and wearable.
(7)   The long pins of fire grate aredeformed
(8)   The rails of fire grate are deformed

Debugging  Methods:

Adjusting tension of fire grates in left and right and adjusting nuts
soas to make fire grates have identical tension in left and right.

(2)    Fastening fire grates, if necessary, drawing out a row of fire gratesheets.
(3)    Replacing the fractured fire grate sheet.
(4)    Checking and removing the seized articles.
(5)    Dismounting and replacing wearing parts and lubricating.
(6)    Replacing the deformed long pin and properly decreasing the temperature ofpre-heated air.
(7)    Cutting and welding deformed rails and leveling them.

9.   The chimney gives off black smoke,how to debug?

Cause of  Fault:

(1)   Incomplete burning
(2)   Large proportion in powdered coal

Debugging  Method:

(1)    Adjustingair volume, coal layer thickness and speed of fire grate to make coal burned completely.
(2)    Changingcoal or adding proper water.

10.   The flame extends to coal hopper,how to remedy?

Cause of  Fault:

(1)    High air volume in front sectionof boiler.
(2)    The fire grates move slowly

Debugging  Method:

(1)    Properlyturning down throttle in front section.
(2)    Adjustingspeed of fire grate

11.   The coal is not burned out beforetail of boiler, how to remedy?

Cause of  Fault:

(1)    Inadequate air volume in tailsection.
(2)    The thickness of coal layer does not harmonize with moving speed offire grate.

Debugging  Method:

(1)     Opening wide the throttle in tail section.
(2)     Adjusting coal layer or speed of fire grateto make coal burned out.

12.   The temperature of fire grate istoo high and the power output decreases, how to remedy?

Cause of  Faults:

(1)    Boiler
roof is broken out, the heatingsurface in convection section does not
play the action, high-temperatureflue-gas enters directly into stack
from radiation section,

(2)    Since
the connections betweenboiler body and fire grates are not sealed, the
bottom steel plate of boilerbody is deformed because of burning thus,
forming the short-way of flue gas.

Debugging  Method:

(1)    Dismountingtop cover, removing the burned boiler arch (now changed as top coils) andreplacing new arch.
(2)    Sealthe joint close to steel plate with refractory clay

13.   The
power output decreasesapparently, when the air volume from blower and
draught fan is not changed,seriously burning with positive pressure in
hearth, how to remedy?

Cause of  Fault:

(1)    The flue-gas stack betweenconvection section and radiation section in round boiler is blocked by coaldust.
(2)    The flue-gas stack of coil inconvection section in square boiler is blocked by coal dust.

Debugging  Method:

(1)    Asfor round boiler, dismounting brick and clearing out the deposited dust.
(2)    Asfor square boiler, blowing out the deposited dust on coils with compressed air.

14.   The smoke evacuation temperaturerises in normal condition, power output decreases and coal-consumptionincreases, how to remedy?

Cause of  Fault:

Serious deposited dust in coils of radiationsection, the coils are adhered and covered by the coal volatile matters, thus losing radiation andheat-absorption function.

Debugging  Method:

(1)    Clearingout the depositeddust or adherent deposit on coils, restoringradiation absorption function.
(2)     Using soot releaser.

III.   FaultDiagnosis and Trouble Shooting of Combustion System in Organic Heat-carrier Oil-firedHeating Boiler

When the combustion system inoil-fired boiler has the failure and it
can not operate normally, it isnecessary to check firstly:

(1)    Electric circuit
(2)    Fuel supply system

(3)    The
interlock device for pressure differentialtemperature should be

(4)    If it is not caused by theabove-said condition, it is necessary to check in accordance with the followingsteps.


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